Tuesday Prayer of Reverence to Mars


وَار ِدُ تـَقـْدِيس ِ يـَوْم ِ الثـَّلـَثـَاء لِلمَر ِيخ


السَّلامُ عَلـَيْكَ

وَ تـَقـْدِيسُ اللهِ

وَ بَرَكـَاتـُهُ

أيُّها السَّيِّدُ اﻷمِيرُ الفـَاضِلُ


القـَاهِرَ الظـَّافِرُ

اﻷبُ النـَّيِّر

بُرهان سِبهـِر


المُطِيعُ لِمُبْدِعِهِ المُتـَحَرِّكُ

فِي شـُوق ِ مَعْشـُوقِهِ العَقـْلِي

بـِحَرَكـَةِ فـَلـَكِهِ

النـَّائي عَن الكـَوْن ِ وَ الخـَرْق ِ وَ الفـَسَادِ

وَ الحَرْكـَةِ المُسْتـَقِـيمَةِ


انْتَ الشـُّجَاعُ الشـَّدَيدُ العَالِي

القـَاصِمُ القـَاطِعُ

القـَو ِيُّ ذ ُو السَّلاطـَةِ وَ الهَيْجَاء

وَ البَأس ِ الشـَّدِيدِ وَ النـَّار ِ المُوقـَدَةِ

وَالدَّم ِ المُهراق ِ وَ السَّيفِ المَسْلـُول ِ


جَلَّ مَن أبْدَعَكَ وَ نـَوَّرَكَ وَ ألبَسَكَ

البَأسَ وَ الهَيْبَة َ وَ السَّطـْوَةَ وَ القـَهْرَ

وَ أفـَاضَ علـَى نـَفـْسِكَ النـُّور ِ الـَّذِي

تـَنـْبَعْث ُ مِنـْهُ حَرَكـَاتِكَ

الدَّائِمَة الشـَّوقِيَّة

وَ مَكـَّنَكَ فِي الفـَلـَكَ الخَامِس


اسألـُكَ أن تـَقـَهَرَ اعدَاءَ الحَق ِّ

وَ ان تـَسألَ اباكَ

وَ عِلتـَكَ وَ مَعْشـُوقـَكَ

النـُّور ِ القـَاهِرَ

وَ جَمِـيعُ اﻷنـْوَار ِ القـَاهِرَةِ

اﻷقـْرَبـِين العُقـُول ِ المُجَرَّدَةِ

أن يَسألوا أباهُم

وَ عِلـَتـُهُم المَعلـُولُ اﻷوَّل

عَقـْلُ الكـُلِّ

سُؤالا ً يَلِيقُ بالعُقـُول ِ

المُقـَدَّسِينَ عَن التـَغيِّر


لِيَسْألَ إلاهَهُ

وَ إلهَ كـُلِّ إلـَهٍ

إلـَهُ العَالـَمِينَ

صَاحِبَ الطـَول ِ اﻷعظـَم

وَ النـُّور ِ اﻷبْهَر ِ

المَبْدَ اﻷوَّل

الوَاحِدُ مِن جَمِيع الوُجُوهِ

وَاجـِبُ الوُجُودِ

قـَيِّم الكـُلِّ

أن تـَجْعَلـَنِي

مِن مُقـَرَبـِيهِ

وَ حَمَلـَةِ انـْوَار ِهِ وَ اسْرَار ِ الحَقيقـَةِ


وَ يَنْصُرَ أهْلَ النـُّور ِ

وَ اﻹشـْرَاق ِ

وَ يُبار ِكـَهُم وَ إيَانَا

الدَّهَر وَ اﻷبَدِ



Peace be upon you

And Allah's holiness and blessings,

Lord and superior Prince,

Conquering, triumphant, overwhelming

All-radiant father,

Burhan Sipihr,

Obedient to his Creator,

Moving in longing for his beloved of pure thought

To the motion of his orbit,

Forbidding being, violation,

Corruption and finite movement.


Are brave, violent and elevated,

Shattering, slicing, powerful

Self of authority and war,

Unyielding will, ignited fire,

Spilled blood, and unsheathed sword.

Majestic be He who created you,

Gave you light and dressed you

In force, dread, assault, and subjugation,

Poured out the radiance upon your spirit

From which your movements emanated,

Unending and full of longing,

And placed you in the fifth heaven.


I ask you to subjugate the enemies of truth

And ask your father, your cause and beloved,

The conqering lights closest

To the minds stripped of bodies,

To ask their father and cause,

The first caused thing of all,

Mind of all,

A question worthy of the minds sanctified from all change:


To ask his God,

God of all gods,

God of all universes,

Master of supreme power,

Most Brilliant Light,

First Beginning, Present

From all faces and directions,

Necessity of existence,

Upholder of All,

To make me one of those close to Him,

The carriers of His lights

And His secrets of truth

And grant victory to the people of light and

the illumination

And bless them and us

Unto eternity

And the end of time.
