Sunday Rites of Reverence to the Sun


أوْرَادُ تَقدِيس ِ الشَّمس ِ يَوم اﻷحَدِ


أهلا ً بـِالحَيِّ النَّاطِق ِ اﻷنْوَر ِ

وَ الشَّخص ِ اﻷطْهَر ِ وَ الكَوكَبِ اﻷزْهَر ِ

السَّلامُ عَلـَيْكَ وَ تَحِياتِ اللهِ وَ بَرَكاتِهِ


أيُّها النَّيِّرُ اﻷعْظَم وَ السَّيِّدُ اﻷشْرَفُ

الطَائعُ لِمُبْدِعهِ المُتَحَرِّكِ

فِي عِشْق ِ جَلال ِ بِارِئهِ

بـِحَرَكَةِ فـَلـَكِهِ

المُبْرَى عَن قـَبُول ِ الحَرْق ِ وَ الكَون ِ وَ الفَسَادِ

وَ الحَرَكَةِ المُسْتَقِيمَةِ


أنتَ هُورَخْش الشّدِِيد

قَاهِر الغَسَق ِ

رَئسُ العَالَم

مَلِكُ الكَوَاكِبِ

سَيِّدُ الاشخَاص ِ العَلَو ِيَّةِ


فـَاعِلُ النَّهَار ِ بـِأمْر ِ اللهِ تعالـَى

مَالِكِ رِقـَابِ

اﻷنْوَارِ المُتَجسِدِينَ

بِحَول ِ اللهِ المُطـَاع ِ

الجُرْمُ النَّيِّرُ البَاهِرُ الزَّاهِرُ

العَالِمُ الحَكيمُ الفَاضِلُ

اﻷكـْبَرُ اولادِ القـْدْس ِ

مِن اﻷضْوَاء ِ المُتَحَجـِمِينَ

خَلِيفَة نُور ِ النـُّور ِ فِي عَالـَم اﻷجْرَاِم

نُورُكَ مِن نُور ٍ يَنْتَهـِي إلَى نُور ِهِ

وَ قـَهْرُكَ مِن قَهر ٍ يَنْتَهـِي إلَى قـَهْر ِهِ

أنتَ مَثـَلٌ لِكِبْر ِيَائِهِ

وَ ا ُنْمُوذ َجٌ مِن أُنْمُوذ َجَاتِ بَهَائِهِ

وَ حُجَةٌ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ


مَن أعَطيْتَهُ نُورَكَ

فِي اﻷجْسَام ِ أضَاءَ

وَ مَن أسعَدْتَهُ بقـْوَة اللهِ سَعُدَ

تـُعْطِي الكَوَاكِبَ نـُورَكَ

وَ لا تَأخُذ ُ مِنـْها

وَ تَكـْسُوها الـَبَهَاءَ وَ اﻹشـْرَاقَ


سُبْحَانَ مَن صَوّرََكَ وَ نـَوَّرَكَ

وَ فِي شـَوق ِ جَلالـِهِ سَيَّرَكَ

وَ فِي الفَلـَك ِ الرَّابـِع ِ بَوَأكَ

وَ فِي وَسَطِ نـِظام ِ الكـُلِّ قـَرَّرَكَ


أسْألـُكَ أيُّها اﻷبُ

صَاحِب ِ السَّلاطـَةِ وَ الهـِيبَةِ

عِلـَّة ُ تـَعاقـُب ِ الجَدِيدَين ِ

وَ تـَتـَابُع ِ الفـُصُول ِ

إن تـَسْأل باسِط ضـَو نـَفـْسِكَ النـَّاطِقـَةِ الشـَّار ِقـَةِ

اباكَ وَ عِلتـُكَ وَ مَعشـُوقـُكَ

وَ مُبْدِا ُ حَرَكـَتِكَ الـَّذ َّي

انـْتَ ظِلـُّهُ وَ طـَلـْسَمُهُ

وَ جَمِيع اﻷنوار ِ القـَاهِرَةِ العُقـُول ِ المُجَرَدِ

لـَيسَألو السُّوآل الآتِي

إلىَ أين بـِعَالـَم السُّرْمَدِ

البَر ِيء ِ عَن ِ التـَّغـَيُّر ِ وَ التـَّجَدُّدِ

اباهُم وَ عِلـَّتـُهُم النـُّورُ اﻷقـْرَبُ


المُبْدِعُ اﻷشـْرَفُ

عَقـْلُ الكـُلِّ المَعلـُولُ

اﻷعظـَمُ اﻷوَّلُ


هُوَ هكـَذا إلـَهُهُ وَ إلـَهُ الالِهَةِ

مُنـْتـَهَى العِلـَل ِ

اﻷوَّلُ اﻷوائِل ِ

نِظامُ العوالِم ِ

مُبْدِعُ الكـُلِّ

القـَيُّوم نـُورُ النـُّور ِ

إلـَهُ كـُلِّ عَقـْل ٍ وَ نـَفـْس ٍ

وَ جِسْم ٍ أثِير ِي وَ عُنصُر ِي

وَ بَسيطٍ وَ مُرَكـَّبٍ

على النِظـَام اﻷتـَمِّ اﻷكْمَل ِ

اللهُ الوَحِيدُ

وَاجِبُ الوُجُودِ على سَلـْطانِهِ


ان يـُنَوِّرَ نـَفـْسِي

بـِالـَلوامِع القـُدْسيةِ

وَ العُلوم ِ الإلهيةِ

وَ الفـَضَائِل ِ العَلـُو ِيَّةِ

وَ يَجْعَلـَنِي من المُنـْتـَمِين الـَيهِ

وَ يَعْصِمُنِي مِن اﻵفاتِ النـَّفـْسِيَّةِ وَ البَدَنِيَّةِ


وَ يَنـْصُر اهْلَ النوُّر ِ وَ اﻹشـْرَاق ِ

وَ يـُبار ِكـَهُم وَ إيانا وَ يُقـَدِسَهُم وَ إيانا

الى الابَدِ




Supreme manifestation,

Most brilliant planet,

Peace be upon you and Allah's blessings,

All-powerful illuminator, noblest lord

Obeying his Creator,

Moving in the heat of passion.

For the majesty of What gave him life

To the motion of his orbit, purged

Of all acceptance,

Of violation, being, corruption

Or finite movement.


You are Hurakhsh the violent,

Conqueror of twilight,

Chieftain of the world,

King of planets,

Lord of beings of the higher realms,

Maker of day by the command of God,

Master of the obedient necks,

Of the embodied lights.

By the power of God the Obeyed,

Light-giving planet, eye-smiting flowerer,

Knowing, wise, virtuous,

Greatest child of the holy,

From the lights that burn with rage,

Caliph of the Light of light

In this world of shapes.

Your light from a light that ends in His.

Your conquest from a conquest that ends with His.

You are a specimen of His pride and might,

Form from the forms of His splendor,

Emanation upon His servants from His offerings.

Your light in the physical bodies

Lit up whoever was blessed by it,

Joyous by the power of God.

You give the planets your light

And never take from them,

You dress them in splendor and illumination.

All praise to He who fashioned you,

Made you into light

And in longing for His majesty,

Set your course,

Made your home in the fourth heaven

And fixed you in the center

Of the pattern of all things.

I ask you, sacred father,

Master of authority and stunned reverence,

Perfection of the powerful,

Cause of alteration,

Of ever-renewing night and day

And succession of the seasons,

To ask by reaching out the light

Of your speaking, radiant spirit

To your father and cause and beloved,

The beginning of your movement,

For whom you are

His shadow and his talisman

- And all the conquering lights,

The minds stripped of body –

To ask the question worthy of the world of eternity

Which is innocent of change or renewal,

Of their father and cause,

The light closest to Him,

The noblest creator, mind of all,

First and greatest caused thing:


To ask Him thus, his God

and the God of gods,

End of all causes, Beginning of beginnings,

Way of the worlds, Creator of All,

Great Sustainer, Light of light,

God of every mind and spirit

And ethereal, elemental, simple and compound body

Upon the most complete and perfected pattern.

God the One,

Only Necessity of existence for His empire,

To light up my soul with the sacred glimmerings

And the godly sciences

And the virtues of the higher realms

And make me among those who rise up to Him,

Fortify me from calamities of spirit and body,

And give victory to the people

Of light and the Illumination,

And bless them and us

And sanctify them and us

Unto eternity.
