What is Zira'at?


Zira'at is a path of doing, of realizing our ideals in the Here and Now. It is the manner in which we accomplish the task of our life and take responsibility for the whole.

The goal of Zira'at is a person who is conncected with the elements, nature, with her own centre and with the One. In the centre is the heart which connects all, heaven and earth, above and below. Finally, all things are interwoven, and one conditions the other. As it is said in the Emerald Tablets: “That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above, working the miracles of one.” But it is in the heart where those worlds connect and where opposites meet to be resolved.


Development of the heart qualities

Therefore, the development of the heart qualities is one of the main points in Zira'at. This requires purification, self-awareness and an awareness of other viewpoints, so that we can understand ourselves and others better. This process of deep self-realization is identical with the path to God. “To know the self is to know God”, says the Sufimaster Hazrat Ali.

All thoughts, words and deeds within the universe find their echo. They live on like seeds from which something new develops - be it good or bad. We have to be aware that this creative force dwells in our minds, a force which is able to create (inner) worlds. We have to discover this force, to learn to master it and to apply it in our daily lives.


Responsibility for the whole

The Zira'at ritual helps us to reconnect with the circular flow of life. It gives us a taste of purity and unity, but it shows us our limits too. Thus it allows us to enter into a dialogue between the limited and the limitless part in us. Dialogue means “to go through something together” - dia meaning 'through' and not 'two' (David Bohm, quantum physicist). We need to connect with each other in this dialogue. And we have to recognize that global responsibility starts here, at this point.


This (slightly shortened) vision was formulated at the European Zira'at meeting in Vienna at the end of April 2012.