Stages of Transformation


We discern four main stages of transformation. The first stage is Nigredo, the blackening. It corresponds to the first phase of the retreat. According to the alchemists we need to rediscover the 'prima materia', the pure, untainted state of matter. Psychologically this means the entrance into the dark, chaotic unconscious. The Christian mystic John of the Cross called this the first of two dark nights, the dark night of the mind, which means the encounter with one's shadow.

To go through this stage you need patience, humility and self-acceptance. There takes place a purification process which eventually dissolves the inner conflicts, until you gain a state of clarity and inner freedom.

The second stage is Albedo, the whitening. In the first stage we encounter the element earth, the second is ruled by the moon. Here we need to further purify our psyche and to open up to our soul nature.

Alchemical texts say that now the soul becomes conscious of itself, it realizes its own light nature, the reflected light which is symbolized by the moon. In the retreat process this corresponds with the ascent through the spheres of consciousness, from Nasut, the physical plane, to Hahut, Oneness. The alchemists equalized these spheres of consciousness with the planetary spheres. The planets stand for specific qualities which are to be developed at these planes. One could speak of tests, of spiritual tasks. Suhrawardi's prayers in honor of the planets give an excellent taste of those qualities (see Prayers).

The third stage is Citrinitas, the yellowing. Citrinitas is the stage of the sun, the rising of the sunlight in our being. The light is no longer reflected, like the moonlight. It shows its immediate and all-pervading nature. To reach this state, the moonlight in us has to die. We have to go through a symbolical death, the death of the ego-consciousness. This is the second night which John of the Cross mentions, the dark night of the soul. In return we gain 'resurrection': The sunlight opens the access to revelational knowledge.

The fourth stage is Rubeo, the reddening. At this stage the wish emerges to go back to the earth and to bring our insights into everyday life. We need to ground our retreat experiences. In the words of the alchemists, now the soul reunites with the psyche and the physical body. The spirit is materialized, and matter spiritualized.

At each stage the retreatant moves through the sequence > purification > connection with the fire of the stage (=alchemical wedding) > birth of a new self-image and finally > death of this self-image, which is necessary to enable us to move on to the next stage.

If you want to learn more about the subject of alchemy & retreat, see the article by Nigel Hamilton “The Alchemical Process of Transformation”.